Comments on: AMRAP Cleans, Pushups, K2E Fitness redifeined Tue, 08 Mar 2011 08:45:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brodyn Reed Brodyn Reed Thu, 23 Apr 2009 10:35:15 +0000 RX'd @ 5 rounds 1: 2.5 2: 2.5 3. 2 4: 2 5: 2 KILLER WORKOUT! i havn't had that lingering, shaky feeling of unease after a workout for a while :) RX’d @ 5 rounds
1: 2.5
2: 2.5
3. 2
4: 2
5: 2
KILLER WORKOUT! i havn’t had that lingering, shaky feeling of unease after a workout for a while :)

By: Hanna Koskenranta Hanna Koskenranta Thu, 23 Apr 2009 02:58:07 +0000 Hanna: subbed/scaled: PC @ 30kgs, pushups to reebok step, KTB (knees to boobs) Round 1: 2 + 4KTBs Round 2: 2 + 2KTBs Round 3: 3 + 1PC Power clean technique ok, but needs refinement, pushups easy, KTBs improving, soon proper KTEs. Ben: scaled: PC @ 50kg Round 1: 3 + PCs Round 2: 2 + 3KTEs Round 3: 2 + 5KTEs Power clean felt pretty comfortable, but a little to much back extension compared to hip extension, but power improving. Pushups easy, KTEs limiting factor!! Improving each time though. Thanks! Hanna:
subbed/scaled: PC @ 30kgs, pushups to reebok step, KTB (knees to boobs)
Round 1: 2 + 4KTBs
Round 2: 2 + 2KTBs
Round 3: 3 + 1PC
Power clean technique ok, but needs refinement, pushups easy, KTBs improving, soon proper KTEs.
scaled: PC @ 50kg
Round 1: 3 + PCs
Round 2: 2 + 3KTEs
Round 3: 2 + 5KTEs
Power clean felt pretty comfortable, but a little to much back extension compared to hip extension, but power improving. Pushups easy, KTEs limiting factor!! Improving each time though.
