Comments on: Power Fitness redifeined Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:57:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: leigh leigh Thu, 16 Jun 2011 21:59:33 +0000 Sick sonic selection for the 666:30 met con. Slipknot's 'the heretic anthem' "if you're 555, then i'm 666" indeed! \m/ PS hopefully next time i can smash it out BEFORE the track comes to it's cataclysmic climax. Sick sonic selection for the 666:30 met con.
Slipknot’s ‘the heretic anthem’
“if you’re 555, then i’m 666″
indeed! \m/
PS hopefully next time i can smash it out BEFORE the track comes to it’s cataclysmic climax.

By: George Iacono George Iacono Thu, 16 Jun 2011 09:47:33 +0000 17:30 Name: Power Cleans/WOD Gibo: 80/4:08 Ash s: tech/5:03 Dan T: tech/ 4:16 (16kg) Stef G: 80/4:38 Steve R: tech/4:24 (24kg) Nico A: 50/5:08(16) Bryce H: 72.5,72.5,72.5,75/4:02 Alicia: tech/4:59 (12) Vanessa G: 32.5, 35, 35 (tech)/4:54 (16) Georgia G: tech/5:05 (16) Thom M: tech/4:33 (24) Cat: 35/ 5:18 (16) Bron M:35,40,40,40/? Trish: 40/5:59 (30 DU for run) Aran F: 40,50,50,50/5:11 18:30 Alice M: tech/6:45 (16) Orcun M: tech/6:00 (16) Leigh B: tech/5:09 (24) Sal 3: 100/4:39 Dan S: 25/4:23 (16) Gina D: 25/4:59 (12) Duncan R: tech/4:58 Bobby S: tech/3:30 (24kg, 30DU for run) Christian K: 77.5/5:35 Chris L: 95/4:09 Matt T: 60/4:54 (24) Great sessions tonight and awesome intensity on the cashout WOD! 17:30

Name: Power Cleans/WOD

Gibo: 80/4:08
Ash s: tech/5:03
Dan T: tech/ 4:16 (16kg)
Stef G: 80/4:38
Steve R: tech/4:24 (24kg)
Nico A: 50/5:08(16)
Bryce H: 72.5,72.5,72.5,75/4:02
Alicia: tech/4:59 (12)
Vanessa G: 32.5, 35, 35 (tech)/4:54 (16)
Georgia G: tech/5:05 (16)
Thom M: tech/4:33 (24)
Cat: 35/ 5:18 (16)
Bron M:35,40,40,40/?
Trish: 40/5:59 (30 DU for run)
Aran F: 40,50,50,50/5:11


Alice M: tech/6:45 (16)
Orcun M: tech/6:00 (16)
Leigh B: tech/5:09 (24)
Sal 3: 100/4:39
Dan S: 25/4:23 (16)
Gina D: 25/4:59 (12)
Duncan R: tech/4:58
Bobby S: tech/3:30 (24kg, 30DU for run)
Christian K: 77.5/5:35
Chris L: 95/4:09
Matt T: 60/4:54 (24)

Great sessions tonight and awesome intensity on the cashout WOD!

By: Adam Stanecki Adam Stanecki Thu, 16 Jun 2011 06:20:19 +0000 Huge morning class. Small lunchtime class. 12:30 Michele and Andrew practiced their power clean technique. Michele did the WOD in 5:11 with 16kg. Andrew knocked it over in 5:28 with 24kg. Congratulations to Andrew and his wife on the birth of healthy twins. Huge morning class.
Small lunchtime class.


Michele and Andrew practiced their power clean technique.
Michele did the WOD in 5:11 with 16kg. Andrew knocked it over in 5:28 with 24kg.

Congratulations to Andrew and his wife on the birth of healthy twins.

By: Andy Lucas Andy Lucas Thu, 16 Jun 2011 02:32:15 +0000 Biggest class EVER! Biggest class EVER!

By: Jason Arnel Jason Arnel Wed, 15 Jun 2011 22:20:59 +0000 6am Class Name: Power Cleans / Metcon Time John K: 90,95,95,95 / 4:01 Rx George: 80,82.5(1),82.5,82.5(2) / 4:42 (24kg) Ian: 70,70,70,70 / 5:14 (24kg) Jimmy: 65,65,65,65 / 4:52 (24kg) Christian P: 85,80,80,80 / 4:21 (24kg) Andy L: 80,80,80,80 / 4:54 (24kg) Fleur: 30,32.5,35,37.5 / 5:54 ( 16kg) Kaaren: 30,32.5,35,37.5 / 6:18 (16kg) Matt R: 50,50,55,55 / 4:50 (24kg) Yen: 30,32.5,35,37.5 / 6:16 (12kg) Bridget: 25,27.5,30,30 / 5:10 (16kg) Andrew F: 50,55,50,55(f) / 5:15 (24kg) Beck J: 35,40,45,47.5 / 4:44 (16kg) Edward K: Tech / 6:23 (20kg) Ness W: Tech / 6:33 (12kg) Eddie T: 55,55,55,55 / 4:39 (24kg) Arwen: 22.5,22.5,22.5,22.5 / 5:00 (16/12kg) Kathleen: 25,27,30,30 / 5:57 (12kg) Emrys: Tech / 5:47 (12kg) Kate: 30,35,35,37.5 / 5:05 (16kg) Mike K: Tech / 5:26 (16kg) Lawerence: Tech / 6:10 (16kg) Simon: Tech / 5:23 (20kg) Sandra: Tech / ? Fantastic class today guys, great to see a great number of committed people training on this cold early morning! See you all again tomorrow :-) 6am Class

Name: Power Cleans / Metcon Time
John K: 90,95,95,95 / 4:01 Rx
George: 80,82.5(1),82.5,82.5(2) / 4:42 (24kg)
Ian: 70,70,70,70 / 5:14 (24kg)
Jimmy: 65,65,65,65 / 4:52 (24kg)
Christian P: 85,80,80,80 / 4:21 (24kg)
Andy L: 80,80,80,80 / 4:54 (24kg)
Fleur: 30,32.5,35,37.5 / 5:54 ( 16kg)
Kaaren: 30,32.5,35,37.5 / 6:18 (16kg)
Matt R: 50,50,55,55 / 4:50 (24kg)
Yen: 30,32.5,35,37.5 / 6:16 (12kg)
Bridget: 25,27.5,30,30 / 5:10 (16kg)
Andrew F: 50,55,50,55(f) / 5:15 (24kg)
Beck J: 35,40,45,47.5 / 4:44 (16kg)
Edward K: Tech / 6:23 (20kg)
Ness W: Tech / 6:33 (12kg)
Eddie T: 55,55,55,55 / 4:39 (24kg)
Arwen: 22.5,22.5,22.5,22.5 / 5:00 (16/12kg)
Kathleen: 25,27,30,30 / 5:57 (12kg)
Emrys: Tech / 5:47 (12kg)
Kate: 30,35,35,37.5 / 5:05 (16kg)
Mike K: Tech / 5:26 (16kg)
Lawerence: Tech / 6:10 (16kg)
Simon: Tech / 5:23 (20kg)
Sandra: Tech / ?

Fantastic class today guys, great to see a great number of committed
people training on this cold early morning! See you all again tomorrow :-)
