Comments on: Squat & Press Fitness redifeined Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:57:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chris Chris Mon, 20 Jun 2011 09:48:24 +0000 5:30pm Class Bryce H: 87.5 / 55 Leigh: 50 / 32.5x5, 30x5 x2 Rory: 120 / 60 Katrine: 67.5 / 32.5x5, 32.5x4, 32.5x4 Clare O: 40 / Niki: 45 / 25 Arwen: 35 / 22.5 Bron: 37.5 / 20 Sal: 142.5 / 77.5x2, 75x3, 70x2 6:30pm Class Dan S: 40 / 20, 20, 22.5 Gina D: 35, 37.5, 40 /20, 20, 22.5 Leigh B: 70, 72.5, 72.5 / 40x4, 40x3, 35x4 Dunc R: tech / 40 Dan T: 60, 70, 70 / 30, 35, 35 Orcun: 70 / 35 Aaron W: 60, 60, 70/ 30 Coby: 110 / 52.5 Great work today guys. Remember, keep that back straight in the press and don't be afraid to fail on reps. A hard set of 4 reps is much more beneficial then an easy set of 5 reps. 5:30pm Class

Bryce H: 87.5 / 55
Leigh: 50 / 32.5×5, 30×5 x2
Rory: 120 / 60
Katrine: 67.5 / 32.5×5, 32.5×4, 32.5×4
Clare O: 40 /
Niki: 45 / 25
Arwen: 35 / 22.5
Bron: 37.5 / 20
Sal: 142.5 / 77.5×2, 75×3, 70×2

6:30pm Class

Dan S: 40 / 20, 20, 22.5
Gina D: 35, 37.5, 40 /20, 20, 22.5
Leigh B: 70, 72.5, 72.5 / 40×4, 40×3, 35×4
Dunc R: tech / 40
Dan T: 60, 70, 70 / 30, 35, 35
Orcun: 70 / 35
Aaron W: 60, 60, 70/ 30
Coby: 110 / 52.5

Great work today guys.
Remember, keep that back straight in the press and don’t be afraid to fail on reps. A hard set of 4 reps is much more beneficial then an easy set of 5 reps.

By: Jason Arnel Jason Arnel Mon, 20 Jun 2011 03:49:03 +0000 12:30pm Class Pete W:115,117.5x2 / 65 Ash: 60,70,80 / 40,40,45(f) Michele: 50,55,57.5 / 22.5,25,27.5 Nicole: 50,55,55x4 / 22.5,25,27.5 Soula: 70,77.5,82.5 / 35,37.5,42.5x4 Tom: Tech / Tech Nico: 65 / 35 12:30pm Class

Pete W:115,117.5×2 / 65
Ash: 60,70,80 / 40,40,45(f)
Michele: 50,55,57.5 / 22.5,25,27.5
Nicole: 50,55,55×4 / 22.5,25,27.5
Soula: 70,77.5,82.5 / 35,37.5,42.5×4
Tom: Tech / Tech
Nico: 65 / 35

By: Jason Arnel Jason Arnel Sun, 19 Jun 2011 22:15:57 +0000 6am Class Name: Squats / Press Andy L: 107.5 / 52.5 John K: 137.5 / HSPU,100m sprint Kaaren: 60,62.5,65 / 30x4,27.5,27.5 Bridget: 40,45,50 / 25,27.5,30x4 Carolyn: 45,50,55,60x2 / 15,20,20 Nadine: 45,50,55 / 20,25,30 Mike M: 60,65,70 / 30,30,35x3 Jen: 40,45,45 / 17.5,20,20 Christian K: 90,92.5,92.5 / 45,45,50x3 Ness: 30 / 15 Fleur: 50,40,50 / 30x1,27.5x3,27.5x3 Vanessa G: 50,40,40(tech) / 30,30,30 Kate: 50,50,50(PB)) / 30x3,30x3,30x4 (PB) Kathleen: 30 (Tech) / 17.5,20,22.5 6am Class

Name: Squats / Press
Andy L: 107.5 / 52.5
John K: 137.5 / HSPU,100m sprint
Kaaren: 60,62.5,65 / 30×4,27.5,27.5
Bridget: 40,45,50 / 25,27.5,30×4
Carolyn: 45,50,55,60×2 / 15,20,20
Nadine: 45,50,55 / 20,25,30
Mike M: 60,65,70 / 30,30,35×3
Jen: 40,45,45 / 17.5,20,20
Christian K: 90,92.5,92.5 / 45,45,50×3
Ness: 30 / 15
Fleur: 50,40,50 / 30×1,27.5×3,27.5×3
Vanessa G: 50,40,40(tech) / 30,30,30
Kate: 50,50,50(PB)) / 30×3,30×3,30×4 (PB)
Kathleen: 30 (Tech) / 17.5,20,22.5
