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Athlete of the Month (June): Vicki Hutchings

By Scott Waugh | In Blog Articles | on July 8, 2014

It’s hard to believe that July is here. The year is going by quickly! It’s already time to crown a new Athlete of the Month. Where has the time gone?

June was another great month for CrossFit Victoria. Our athletes continued to tackle the new programming, and as it was our third month on Give’m Cold Steel, our coaches started to notice massive leaps in everyone’s strength and gymnastic abilities. We also took on Gus’ Athlete of the Month WOD, which contained- not surprisingly- lots and lots of cleans. Well done to everyone who’s been working their butts off and making incredible progress!

One of our athletes, however, has made really notable progress. The coaching team has wanted to award her the Athlete of the Month for quite a while now, and her time is finally here. Congratulations to CrossFit Victoria’s newest Athlete of the Month: Vicki Hutchings!

Even if you don’t know Vicki personally, you’d probably recognize her hair. Vicki has a mane of glorious dreadlocks, typically piled on top of her head in a neat bun. She’s hard to miss, but her hair isn’t the only thing that makes her stand out. Vicki has one of the biggest, friendliest smiles in the gym, and is well loved for her encouraging and supportive attitude.

“What I love about Vicki,” says coach Amelia Thomsett, “is that whenever she comes in [to the gym], she has a massive smile, and is so friendly and supportive to all the other members of the gym.”

In addition to encouraging other athletes to accomplish their goals, Vicki has accomplished some truly impressive goals of her own.

“She has worked really hard on improving her mobility, and has shown great improvements in her squat,” says head coach Scott Waugh.

Vicki recently PBed her clean and jerk, and has progressed from banded pull-ups to kipping pull-ups.

“I have watched her gymnastic movements get better and better,” Amelia says.

While Vicki’s accomplishments are indeed impressive, you’ll never hear her boast or brag about them. As any of the coaches or other athletes will tell you, Vicki is a silent achiever who celebrates her progress with a big smile and the renewed confidence to continue improving.

“I have loved watching her confidence just build over the months that have passed, which in turn has meant that her lifts and strength are constantly increasing!” Amelia adds.

The entire coaching team and CrossFit Victoria community adores Vicki, and are thrilled to honor her as our Athlete of the Month for June. As is tradition, Vicki will have the opportunity to work with Scott to create her WOD, which the classes will do later this month.

Congratulations, Vicki! We’re so proud of you.

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