What’s it about?
Each class is programmed to focus on three key elements of Gymnastics to enhance your awesomeness. These elements are – Strength, Coordination, and Balance.
Each member will have the option in the second half of each class to perform either the posted WOD or a HardCore WOD (not copyrighted yet. Better get on that!)
We finish each class with ‘Stretching’. Not to be confused with Mobility. This is stretching – be prepared to be stretched!
So what does that mean?
Strength – For this element we’ll focus on our abilities to lift and/or press our own bodyweight.
Coordination – To perform gymnastics moves (eg. A handstand hold for two seconds then forward roll out) requires coordination. It means developing neurological pathways to make us move the way we want to. Essentially it means ‘PRACTICE’!
Balance – A very crucial part of gymnastics, it challenges us to use our stabilising muscles on ‘both’ sides of our bodies. This in-turn gives us greater control over our bigger movements.
HardCore WOD? WTF?
For each Gymnastics class (only), there will be a WOD programmed specifically to give our cores a beating! A strong core will pay dividends BIG TIME for your Olympic lifts and make it so much easier to hold and brace weight generally.
Stretching? What kind of stretching?
There will be a full article to come on this one, but to give you a quick brief…. We’ll be using a lot of ‘static’ holds for time and challenging ourselves with each set. We’ll even be doing the splits! That’s right, SPLITS! BOOM! I said it!!
Our gymnastics class is held at 6am on Thursdays, get on it people!
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