Name: Mason Dannatt
Age: 28
Occupation: Engineer
How long have you been at CrossFit Victoria?
3 years in September
What do you enjoy doing outside of CrossFit?
Mountaineering/Rockclimbing, and designing and building stuff.
What is your favourite and least favourite movements or WODs?
My favourite wod is still probably Annie or Nemlar (lots of DU’s). I also enjoy carrying weight, instead of just picking it up and putting it down again (yoke carry, farmers carry).
My least favourite movement involves a front squat coupled with a push press, usually with 42.5kg. Anyone who has been present during a Fran attempt I am involved in can attest to this.
What is your biggest achievement so far?
Snatching 60kg an back squatting 100kg
What are your future goals?
I hope to one day snatch over bodyweight, and clean and jerk 100kg
Any advice for anyone just starting their CrossFit journey?
My advice to anyone starting out is to just persevere, work on weaknesses (but also strengths so you can boss at least something!) listen to your coaches, they really do know better than you, but don’t be afraid to question things too. You most likely won’t be right, but you will learn something along the way.
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I am actually Rich Fronings twin brother, but got stuck with the smart genes instead of the strong ones.
Who’s your box buddy?
My box buddy is the ever witty, always rocking, bacon consuming Leigh Brodie.
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