It’s coming up to that time of year again! With Christmas just around the corner and the new year fast approaching a lot of people look towards making a fresh start in 2017. If you are really looking to commit to your health and fitness in 2017 then it’s time to set yourself some goals!
First of all if you don’t already set regular training goals then you are missing out. Training without setting goals is just exercising. You are basically working out in the gym with no real purpose or direction.
Setting goals should be a part of any athletes training process! Having goals will allow you track your progress, keep yourself accountable and have direction every time you step into the gym. Specifically we need to set S.M.A.R.T goals but what does that mean?
In this article I want to breakdown what each letter stands for and help you work out how to set S.M.A.R.T goals:
S – Specific
When we create a goal we want to make it specific to you. A general goal is something like ‘I just want to stay in shape.’ We need to make our goals more specific than this! We need to answer the questions such as:
M – Measurable
When we create a goal we need to establish a way to measure this goal and to track your progress during training. With your squat you can measure the kilograms lifted and to measure your pull ups you can count the number of reps you can achieve. Making the goal measurable is an amazing way to track your hard work, reach your targets and to stay motivated as you see your numbers go up!
A – Attainable
We want to set a goal which is within reach and achievable. You have to ask yourself if the goal is attainable? You need to make sure you have the time and resources to complete your goal and your goals fit with the commitments and other priorities you have in your life.
R – Realistic
To be realistic, a goal must be something you are willing and able to work towards. You are the one who needs to decide if a goal is realistic for you. If you set the goal to high then it will be too difficult to achieve and if your goal is too low then you won’t be motivated to hit your goal!
T – Timed
The last part we need to look at is the timeframe for your goal. Without having a timeframe then there will no sense of urgency. If you want to lose 3kg then when do you want to lose it by? Keep the timeframe realistic and flexible so you can keep morale high and make the goal achievable.
Now that we have looked at what a SMART goal is we need to look at what you want to achieve! Let’s change your goals from ‘I want to be healthier in 2017’ to something with a bit more meaning. What about something like this to get you started:
‘In 2017 I want to commit to my health and fitness by coming to Crossfit Victoria 4 times per week. I also want to increase my back squat 1RM by 5kg and take 10 seconds off my Fran time. I want to complete this goal by the 1st March 2017.’
Still need help with creating your goals? Come speak to us! At Crossfit Victoria the coaches are here to help you achieve your goals and help you become version of yourself. If you want to make 2017 your best year yet then book in a time to chat today!
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