CrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne Sweat Sessions A] 15 mins Hollow holds Arch holds Hollow rocks B] 10 RFT 10 burpees 10 wall balls 10 wall ball sit ups 10 Box jumps C] In teams of 3 3km on the rower
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne There will be no class scheduled today as it is grading day!!! Speak to one of the coaches to learn more about CrossFit Victoria’s grading day!
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Bench press 10 mins to find a 1RM B] Push press 10 mins to find a 2RM C] Sumo deadlift 15min to find a 3RM D] Emom x8 Odd max push ups Even max pull ups
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Front squat 3-3-3-3-3-3 B] Nancy 5 RFT 400m run 15 OHS @43/30kgs *20 mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Every 2 mins for 12 mins (6 rounds) 3 hang power Snatches B] 30-20-10 GTO 50/35kgs chest to bars Double DU *15 mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3 B] 30-20-10 Burpees OH plate lunge@25/20kgs 400m run *15 mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Every 2 mins for 12 mins (6 rounds) 3 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerk. B] For time 400m Run 30-20-10 reps Wallballs@9/7kg Kettlebell Swings@32/24kg *15 mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne Sweat Sessions A] 15 mins Dips B] 1. 5 mins 400m run ME Burpees 1 min rest 2. 5 mins 400m run ME Box jumps 1 min rest 3. 5 mins 400m run ME pull ups (jumping pull ups) 1 min rest 3. 5 mins 400m run […]
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne SARAHS WOD A] Dead lift 1 rm *15 mins B] Partner WOD Buy in 4 mins overhead lunge relay 3 Rounds for time 20 Box jumps 10 Turkish get ups @ 24/16kgs 20 KB Ground to over OH @24/16kgs 30 Goblet Squats @24/16kgs *20 mins Cash out […]
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Every 3 mins for 15 mins 5 DB Deadlift 5 DB hang squat clean 5 DB push press 5 DB squat B] 50-40-30-20-10 DU 20-18-16-14-12 KB swings@32/24kgs *15 mins