CrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] EMOMx 7 2 power cleans 1 split jerk B] In pairs For time 2 rounds 10 power snatches@60/40kg s 20 TTB 30 bar over burpees then 400m run then 2 rounds 10 Overhead squats@60/40kgs 20 HSPUs 30 Deadlifts@60/40kg s *20mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Shoulder press 3-3-2-2-1-1 *15mins B] 5 RFT 5 Squat Cleans @70/50kgs 10 Ring dips 200m run *20mins
CONTINUE READINGScaling Workouts is one of the best parts about Crossfit. Whether you are a regionals competitor or your average Joe, everyone can do the same workout together! Firstly lets define what SCALING is. A scaled WOD does not mean we are making the workout easier. It actually means we are changing the workout […]
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Barbell Floor Press 3-3-3-3-3-3 *15mins B] 21-15-9 kb swings@24/16kgs push ups pull ups *15mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Hang snatch 3-3-2-2-1 *15mins B] 5RFT; 25 Double Unders 15 thrusters 40/30kg 15 Burpees *20mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne Sweat Sessions A] 15 mins Rope climbs B] 5 rounds 20 KB swings 20 burpees 400m run then 5 Rounds 20 KB cleans 20 box jumps 400m run then 5 rounds 20 KB push press 20 split lunges 400m run
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] 6 sets Push press Push jerk Split jerk *15 mins B] 20 min partner AMRAP 50 double unders 30 TTB 10 Squat snatches @50/35kgs
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] 6 sets of 3 Back squats 6 box jumps 30/24 *15 mins B] EMOMx 15 1st min: 5 STO @70/50kgs 2nd min: 10 Power cleans @70/50kgs 3rd min: 15 bar over burpees
CONTINUE READINGThere is an age old saying “no pain, no gain”, the question is how much pain actually leads to gain and how do you know if it is the good (gain) pain or the bad (injury) pain? I can tell you that no matter your physical fitness or skill level, if you are trying to […]
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] 6 sets of 6 bench press 12 ring dips *15 mins B] 3rft 600m run 30 KB swings 24/16kgs 21 pull ups *20 mins