CrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Hang power snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 *15 mins B] 4rft 10 Power cleans@70/50kgs 15 Dips 60 Double unders *15 mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Back squat 10-10-10 *15 mins B] 4rft 10 DL@100/70Kgs 20 Push ups 400m Run *20 mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Squat clean 3-3-2-2-1-1 *15 mins B] 20,18,16… 2 KB swings @32/24kgs 10,9,8…1 chest to bars *15 mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] 15 min Rope climbs B] Tabata Madness burpees split lunges box jumps Double unders Rower Cash out 1km run
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Overhead squat 6-6-6-6 B] In pairs 5x3min AMRAPS 1 min rest 100m run 20 GTO 60/40 ME chest to bars 2 min rest ME Double unders in 5mins
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria, athlete in the spotlight, Fitzroy, Melbourne Have you met… Laura? This week we get to know this Canadian bomb-shell! This lady is constantly pushing herself and encouraging those around her. Read on to learn more! Name: Laura Evans Age: 25 Occupation: Bartender How long have you been at Crossfit Vic: April 2015 (I […]
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Power snatch 3-3-2-2-1-1 B] for time; 1km run then 20-10-5 reps; Bar Facing Burpees Thruster@42/30kg
CONTINUE READINGPull-ups. You either love them or you hate them. In my eyes Pull-ups are the king of bodyweight movements and there is nothing more impressive than watching an athlete effortlessly complete a set of pull-ups. Whether it’s strict or kipping, pull-ups are one of the most common gymnastics movements used in CrossFit and a skill everyone should […]
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Deadlift 10-10-10 B] max in 15mins; 6 Power Clean@60/40kg 9 Front Squat@60/40kg 14 Toes to Bar
CONTINUE READINGCrossFit Victoria workout of the day, Fitzroy, Melbourne A] Hang power clean 3-3-2-2-1-1 B] 3RFT 400m run 30 Wall balls @9/7kg 20 MB Sit ups@9/7kg 10 Pull ups