Comments on: Tabata CrossFit training in Melbourne, Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:41:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Liuzzi Fri, 27 Feb 2009 12:15:21 +0000 Ben as rx’d
squats (to low paralette):
20, 19, 19, 17, 16, 15, 15, 16 = 137
Push ups:
15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8 = 84
Pull ups:
6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4 = 42
Mmmm….tough and slightly disappointing results. Was caught between going out hard and trying to still be strong in the end. Next time I’ll try and beat my total score, and thus improve my output over the 8sets, rather than trying to maximise score in any individual round.
Hanna K:
Squats (to Paralette):
19, 18, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14 = 121
Pushups (to bench):
9, 7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 = 47
Pullups (subbed bar hang, so grip strength):
pass, p, p, drop x1, drop x1, drop x2, drop x2, drop x2
Did well, but tough going. Grip strength is average and will limit pull ups capabilities until improvement is made.

By: Michael Ashcroft Thu, 26 Feb 2009 21:59:13 +0000 Haha, bastards…

By: Adam Stanecki Thu, 26 Feb 2009 21:41:50 +0000 Designer stubble too…

By: Bjorn Albrecht-Walker Thu, 26 Feb 2009 21:19:33 +0000 …and a mean set of crazy crossfit eyes.
