Pullups, cleans and box jumps

17 Apr 2009

3 rounds of:

  • 10 pullups
  • 10 60kg squat cleans
  • 10 box jumps

3 Responses to “Pullups, cleans and box jumps”

  1. Ben Liuzzi says:

    This looks good…Hanna and I’ll be giving this a good crack later today!

  2. You’re a sick man, Ben. :o )

  3. Ben Liuzzi says:

    haha thanks mate!! You have to love it i guess!
    Scaled: 45kg Sq CL
    jumps to bench + 2 plates. Really liked this one. Forearms toasted as I have to catch bar on the way down and regrip. Sweat factor 5000
    scaled: 20kg Sq Cl, 40kg ass pullup
    Jumps as above. Squat clean was my first time and it felt ok, got a lot smoother as the WOD went on.
    Had a big crowd of spectators for this. Language barrier prevents me from talking them into joining in, but hopefully actions speak louder than words!