
4 May 2009

Rest day!

3 Responses to “Rest”

  1. Andrew Lucas says:

    Reckon you can go heavier than that Mike. No need to slack just ‘cos you’re taking classes now!!!!1

  2. Ben Liuzzi says:

    Back from Hong Kong last night (hiking, drinking, bad food, bright sunshine and some fresh air!!), so missed the last three WODs.
    Therefor, today…
    1ST MAY 2009
    3 rounds of:
    400m run
    15 thrusters @ 40kg
    15 burpee-pullups
    16:32 as rx’d (treadmill run @2%)
    Slow. Very slow. Mentally was just doing it to do something. Other excuses include; extreme heat in gym today, ridiculously sunburnt shoulders and neck, not enough food today etc etc. Anyway, it got done and every rep was 100% ROM, just the speed sucked. Full power again tomorrow!

  3. Ben Liuzzi says:

    4th MAY 2009
    3 rounds of:
    400m run
    15 thrusters @ 40kg
    15 burpee-pullups
    16:32 as rx”d (treadmill run @2%)
    Slow. Very slow. Mentally was just doing it to do something. Other excuses include; extreme heat in gym today, ridiculously sunburnt shoulders and neck, not enough food today etc etc. Anyway, it got done and every rep was 100% ROM, just the speed sucked. Full power again tomorrow!