Backsquat Triples

14 May 2009

3-3-3-3-3: Back squat

5 Responses to “Backsquat Triples”

  1. Ben Liuzzi says:

    80,80,80,85,85(PB for 3)
    Strength wasn’t feeling 100% today, but I achieved something anyway. Squatted to paralette as it is a good depth indicator and about as far as I can go without losing midline stab. Like my deadlift need to work on getting the final bit of depth past parallel.

  2. Another PB!
    Well done.

  3. Craig Presti says:


  4. Kylie Lindbeck says:

    HA! Shocking photo boys, that was after the DL 800m WOD…. my lips are looking a little white!
    Will have to make another trip down there again very soon, it was great to catch up with you all thank you for making me so welcome!

  5. Ben Liuzzi says:

    Happy with this, and felt I could have gone heavier, but didn’t have Ben checking my form. Strength coming along well.