TGUs and sprints

2 Jun 2009

2 x 5 ea: Turkish Get-ups

Then -
4 x 400 sprints
Rest 3 min between

One Response to “TGUs and sprints”

  1. Hanna Koskenranta says:

    5kg TGUs 2 rounds, then a 3rd round of 3 reps @10kg. (weight plate)
    400m Treadmill @ 2%
    1. 1:45 2. 1:40 3. 1:37 4. 1:33
    TGUs for the first time so took it slow and tried to get the movements correct. Runs were steady (read slow) and not maximal. Running on the treadmill doesn’t agree with my body 100% and again today I pulled up quite stiff in my lower back…annoying. Would love to have a suitable track/outdoor area to run.
    TGUs at 5kg (plate)
    400m Treadmill @ 2%
    1. 1:50 2. 1:49 3. 1:49 4. 1:45
    TGUs were new, but fun! Runs were ok, speed improving and definitely recovering better in between running efforts!