Hang power clean

22 Jun 2009

Hang Power Clean

How many consecutive Pull Ups can you do? Find your max. Stop counting when you come off the bar.

3 Responses to “Hang power clean”

  1. Brad says:

    That looks a bit heavy for you to press Richo!

  2. Ben Liuzzi says:

    HPC: 40,50,60,60,60
    Pullups: 25 (PB)
    Pullups underhand grip and chin clearly over bar, with kip. HPC felt good, but still had trouble generating POWER with 60kg. Strength not the problem…but my explosive hip opening is improving each week, so can’t complain.

  3. Ben Liuzzi says:

    HPC: 20,30,30,35(PB),30
    Pullups: 4(PB)
    YEAH!!!!! Happy to get 4 pullups, previous best was 2. HPC form went to the dogs at 35kg, but looked ok at 30kg.
    Very happy with this! Yeah!