Overhead squats

9 Jul 2009

Overhead squats 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
Deadhang pull-ups: one set to failure.

One Response to “Overhead squats”

  1. Ben Liuzzi says:

    OHS: 20kg (5reps), 20(5),30(3),40,50,55(2),55(2). Didn’t feel confident going heavier than 55kg…lower the weight back down onto shoulders is a challenge, and feels awkward.
    Max Deadhang pullups. 14reps. Complete deadhang, and no legs/kip during the rep. Happy with this.
    OHS: 20(3),20(4),25,30,30,30(2),30. Technique improving and main issue was tightness in the right hip/knee, rather than strength.
    Pullups: 2 reps with kip. Getting better coordination and control…now just need more strength!