
Thu, 30 Jul 2009

Please read this article from

5 Responses to “Rest”

  1. Bjorn Albrecht-Walker says:

    After you’ve read the Rest Day article, post your comments or questions here.

  2. Lok Eu Jin says:

    I can actually understand the article! Almost all of it at least. I’m compelled to say that I fully agree with the author about sugars, but I’m not knowledgable at all in this field. What does everyone think?

  3. Andrew McConnell says:

    Nice succinct article on all the stuff we should know about nutrition. I read this after I read the article on Saturated Fat on Marks Daily apple. But I guess I’ll stick with what Pat Sherwood said on the weekend. Paraphrasing as I can’t remember the exact quote; Saturated fats aren’t bad, as long as the carbohydrate intake is under control.
    Trans fats always bad….

  4. Angus Rickard says:

    As it’s a rest day, I have a request for tonight’s class. How about a couplet of Squat Cleans and Pullups? Any rep scheme (21-15-9, 5 rounds for time, AMRAP in 20) allowing us to destroy ourselves and soak in the post-WOD-euphoria. Anyone else up for that?

  5. Andrew McConnell says:

    Cindy was the workout, suck it.
    Was an awesome performance by all tonight.
    And a farewell to our Yank buddy, Gerard who is back to his homeland tomorrow.