Back squat

9 Apr 2010

Back Squat
5@65%,  5@75%, Max@85%
% is based on your 1RM

6 Responses to “Back squat”

  1. Angus Rickard says:


    Heidi R. 55 x5
    Mark S. 110 x2
    David C. 100 x4
    Brad A. 80 x1
    Sandra S. 20 x8
    Elisa S. 70 x4
    Andy L. 110 x2

    Good vibe today and really supportive environment. Good to see athletes spotting others.

  2. 6am

    Simon Mac 100, 120, 140×1

    George 85, 97.5, 110×6

    Leila 35, 37.5, 40×8

    Derek 65, 75, 85×5

    Rees 65, 75, 85×5

    Michaela 40, 50, 55×1

    Oli 50, 60, 70×5

    Anne-Marie tech 20kg

    Carol 30, 35, 37.5×4

    Kaaren 45, 50, 55×2

    Callum 60, 70×3, 70×4

    Simon C 65, 75, 100×5

    Vanessa 30, 40, 45×5

    Great lifting.

    It’s time for you all to learn your 1RM.

    Come to an open gym and work through your 1RM for the basic lifts.

  3. adam gibson says:

    interesting video there. thx guys.

  4. Adrian McGough says:

    Scott, scott, scott…. never putting our times/lifts up on here.

  5. Zane Hoare says:


    Simon 1RM 100kg
    Brendan 57.5. 60, 67.5X7

  6. Scott Waugh says:

    Sorry adrian, I had to run out to get some KB’s after the class and ran out of time.