Power Clean

22 Apr 2010

Power clean: 3-3-3-1-1-1


  • 3 x Max Kipping Pullups 2mins rest between efforts


2 Responses to “Power Clean”

  1. Scott Waugh says:


    Another big class, I’m extremely happy to see great attendance by everyone! We have more equipment coming soon to help with the increased class sizes. Keep it up.

    Numbers posted are Powerclean 1RM then Max rep Pullups

    Brendan 75 & 22
    Skye 50 & 3
    Adrian 75 & 35
    Joe 60 & 36
    Sandra tech
    Ed 45 & 9
    Nic tech
    Adam G 50
    Chloe Tech
    Carol Tech
    Zared Tech
    Hamish 60 & 20
    Reece tech & 25
    Christian 80 & 27
    Bron 29 & 15
    Brett tech & 9
    Tim 70 & 20
    Steve 85 & 34
    Eujin 75 & 36

  2. Hi all,

    I completely forgot to write down your results for today’s WOD. But it’s ok because I know you’re all recording it yourself *HINT HINT*