
23 Apr 2010


3 rounds for time

  • 400m Run
  • 21 x KB swings @ 24kg
  • 12 x Pullups

3 Responses to “Helen”

  1. 6am

    Oli 11:15, 16kg, red band

    Vanessa 12:49, 12kg, purple

    Simon Mac 15:06, 20kg, 21 situps in place of pullups

    Jono 11:30, 16kg, red

    Jon C 12:18, rx’d

    Matt B 9:10, rx’d

    George 9:51, 20kg, GHD situps in place of pullups

    Michaela ????

    Decent effort today.

    Hit it harder next time.

  2. Anthony Smith says:


    Dave 9.49, 16Kg, red band
    Nic 12.31, 12Kg, red band
    Heidi 13.00, 12Kg, red band

  3. Scott says:


    Adrian M 11:37 R1 20kg R2&3 16kg
    Soula 13:20 16
    Gary 11:48 16
    Alex 12:46 16
    Dave 10:14 12
    Carol ?
    Reece 11:54 16
    Gayle 14:37 8


    Joe 11:57 rx’d
    Chloe 11:18 8kg j/pups/row
    Josh 11:57 16kg
    Rocky 11:56 8kg p/band
    Salvador 14:50 20kg p/band
    Vebica 10:25 16kg b/band
    Oliver 11:55 16kg b/band
    Skye 11:57 16kg y/band
    Ed ?
    Adrian P 12:09 12kg p/band
    Andre 13:20 16kg p/band
    Brett 14:00 20kg p/band

    Well done to everyone for braving the run in the rain!! Have a great long weekend