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Oli 11:15, 16kg, red band
Vanessa 12:49, 12kg, purple
Simon Mac 15:06, 20kg, 21 situps in place of pullups
Jono 11:30, 16kg, red
Jon C 12:18, rx’d
Matt B 9:10, rx’d
George 9:51, 20kg, GHD situps in place of pullups
Michaela ????
Decent effort today.
Hit it harder next time.
Dave 9.49, 16Kg, red band
Nic 12.31, 12Kg, red band
Heidi 13.00, 12Kg, red band
Adrian M 11:37 R1 20kg R2&3 16kg
Soula 13:20 16
Gary 11:48 16
Alex 12:46 16
Dave 10:14 12
Carol ?
Reece 11:54 16
Gayle 14:37 8
Joe 11:57 rx’d
Chloe 11:18 8kg j/pups/row
Josh 11:57 16kg
Rocky 11:56 8kg p/band
Salvador 14:50 20kg p/band
Vebica 10:25 16kg b/band
Oliver 11:55 16kg b/band
Skye 11:57 16kg y/band
Ed ?
Adrian P 12:09 12kg p/band
Andre 13:20 16kg p/band
Brett 14:00 20kg p/band
Well done to everyone for braving the run in the rain!! Have a great long weekend