Team workout
3 May 2010
Team workout
Each team must move every bumper plate from one end of the gym to the other.
- Only one plate can be carried at a time.
- Only one team member can participate at one time, after carrying a plate the active team member must return to the team and tag the next participant before they can participate
- Every team member must participate
- The order of team members must remain constant
- The plates must be carried
Teams will alternate attempts.
Result is the time each team takes to complete each attempt.
Number of attempts will be dictated by class time restrictions.
The 6pm crew got the best times for the day, well done!
Team number 1 got 3:56
Team number 2 actually got 3:53 but cost themselves the win with a 5 second penalty for touching the plates too early!
Team number three were close behind with 4mins flat
Great effort by all though, a good fun workout and something different.
Dammit!!!! Sorry team 2. I’ll keep my grubby mits to myself next time!
Yeh team workouts rule! more of them thanks. GO TEAM 2! except Adam
Bad luck guys, 2nd place is first loser! LOL. Actually everyone at CFVIC is a WINNER!! Was huuuge fun though.
Aaaaah damn…6am classes best time was ~4:20 and it was heaps of fun. Very sore today though. All over.
Congrats to the 6pm crew!