AMRAP Thrusters, Pullups

11 May 2010

AMRAP in 8 minutes

  • Thrusters 5, 50kg/30kg
  • Pull-ups, 10


13 Responses to “AMRAP Thrusters, Pullups”

  1. Zane Hoare says:

    (* = Scaled)

    Christian 5
    Andy 3+8
    Jon 4+5
    Anne-Marie 6+5*
    Matt 5+9
    Nat 6+12*
    Michaele 10+5*
    Carol 6*
    Beck 7+4*
    Kaaren 5*
    Nick 7*
    George 9*
    Jono 6+13*Dave 8*
    Thihan 6+7*
    Leila 8+3*
    Jason 7+1*

  2. maggie gosk says:

    What is meant by 8+3? I was expecting to see one total figure for the 8 mins..

  3. Brodyn Reed says:

    It’s like, 8 rounds and 3 reps into the ninth (think of a remainder) looks like a killer workout lookin forward to it tonight!

  4. maggie gosk says:

    Thanks for that!! Definately looking forward to giving this one a crack!

  5. Awesome class this morning. Great intensity. Great encouragement. Great atmosphere.

    Who wants to go to the Games next year? We’re entering a team. Think about it!!

  6. Soula Maglaras says:

    Me!!!! I would love to.

  7. maggie gosk says:

    Count me in also! I’m super keen..

  8. Anthony Smith says:


    Anthony 5+8 (Rx’d)
    Scott 5+3 (Rx’d)

  9. Ben Collins says:

    6 rounds Rxd. just got you this time scotty and anthony. Count me in too!

  10. Scott Waugh says:


    Brodyn 5+1 Rx’d
    Gavin F 5+1 *
    Adrian P 8+4*
    Oliver 4*
    Gary G 6 *
    Ed 5*
    Wei Chen 4*
    Trish 6+5*
    Chloe 7+5*
    Matt R 5*
    Alice M 4*
    Joe 5+1 Rx’d
    Tom 6+5.5*
    Reece 6*

  11. Gavin Fraser says:

    Ahh it hurts, but in a good way!

  12. Looks like we have the start of a 2011 games team…

  13. Scott says:

    Great work Ben! This was a tough one killed me!