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Technique – Cleans and Back Squats. 5 x 3 of each
What a great class this morning.
It was refreshing to see so many of you taking responsibility for your own progress as an athlete and working on your weaknesses.
Remember, are you setting yourself up for success, or setting yourself up for failure!
Now don’t forget to post or you’ll get the Burpees!!!!
Cleans technique 3 set reps; 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.
Back squat 3 set reps; 80, 90, 100, 110, 120.
Rings practice with push-ups on the floor
Cleans technique 3 reps x 5 sets
Back Squats 3 reps x 5 sets
Practice on rings, attempted C&J but got stuck on hang power cleans instead!
C&J, asst’d. pullup and squat techniques. Gotta keep those knees out!!
Yesterday’s c&j, pushup, run WOD (scaled to 50kg); 7:06
Squat Technique with box. Thanks for your help this morning Zane
Practiced c&j (squat jerks), ring rows, kettlebell swings, light 2km row.
WOD #2
Squats 8 reps
Sit up 6 reps
push ups 5 reps
All x 8 20sec on/10sec off
practiced squat tech
Looks like everyone posted!
foam roller =)
KB swing practice 24kg, to eye level, low reps, 3 sets, lots of rests in between.
Technique and rebuilding knee strength. OHS: Multiple rounds of five working from 20 kgs upto 35.