Adapted from CF Football

9 Jun 2010

AMRAP in 12 minutes:

  • Max. supine ring rows
  • Run ½ gasser (2x50m sprint)


4 Responses to “Adapted from CF Football”

  1. Clarification: this WOD is effectively max rep rows with a 1/2 gasser penalty. The goal is to complete as many reps as possible per round and in total. The score is the number of reps completed, penalties are also counted to indicate how the WOD was completed.


    Matt B 79 reps (10 pen.) #

    Andy L 65 (10) #

    Vanessa 104 (5) *

    Anne-Marie 65 (7) *

    Tim 63 (11) #

    Kaaren 95 (5) *

    Jon C 55 (9) #

    Andrew F 44 (8)

    Jon D 44 (8)

    George 65 (10) #

    Michael H 76 (10) #

    # = feet elevated on box

    * = scaled by changing angle to reduce load

    all others from floor

    Gassers were completed in the rain.

    Great work by all.

  2. Matthew Ballard says:

    Didn’t use a box for mine, from floor, cheers Matt.

  3. Angus Rickard says:

    Soula 62 reps (9)#
    Dave 64 reps (10)#
    Nat 41 reps (10)

    after class
    Scott 76 reps (9)#
    Ben 82 reps (11)#

    a few days ago
    Ango 85 reps (11)#