Rest day

15 Jun 2010

If you are following the program 3 on, 1 off then rest or do some active recovery.
If not, catch up on a WOD from the previous 7 days.
Or work on a single technique that needs work.
If you are training tomorrow avoid deadlifts.

5 Responses to “Rest day”

  1. Zane Hoare says:

    A VERY chilly 6am!

    Kaaren 6:16
    Anne-Marie 7:43
    (Both @20kg with Jumping Pull ups)

    Back Squats
    Simon 80,95,110(5)

    Simon C i)2:56 ii)2:55 iii)3:02 iv)2:58
    George i)3:20 ii)3:17 iii)3:19 iv)3:08

    What a fantastic little group of troopers. Didn’t let the cold deter thm and then smashed some WODS. Well Done!!! Where were the rest of you?

  2. Anthony Smith says:

    All the others didn’t want to prepare themselves for success today Zane!!!

  3. Angus Rickard says:


    4x 800m
    Anthony 3:02, 3:07, 3:05, 3:03
    Greg 4:07, 4:12, 4:14, 3:37 – welcome Greg to his 1st session

    Kris @ 30kg/red band 6:29
    Chloe @ 20kg/jumping 6:59
    Trish @ 25kg/jumping 7:14
    Carol @ 13kg/purple band 10:23
    Alice @ 20kg jumping 10:58
    Nick @ 20kg/purple band 7:55
    Bobby (scaled) 7:49
    Jason RXd 4:34


    Gavin @ 43kg/jumping 6:56
    Edgar @ 30kg 7:20
    Sarah @ 13kg/blue band 5:03
    Tom @ 50kg Front Squat 5:40

    Deadlifts x10
    Jarrod 40, 60, 70, 75×8, 80×5
    EuJin 40, 60, 70, 75, 80

    Gotta love Fran. She was tenderly brutal to all who tried to take her out to dinner. Well done guys!

  4. maggie gosk says:

    Maggie: 12:30 with Adam “Fran” Rx’d 7:13

  5. Aah Maggie! The only member of my 12:30pm class to take the not-so subtle hint and write up her own WOD info. :)

    We had 6 at lunchtime. Welcome back to Matt K and welcome to Matt P (first class). Reece, Nicole & Nat were also in attendance. Three attempts at Fran and three back squatting. Nice session.