Rest day
15 Jun 2010
If you are following the program 3 on, 1 off then rest or do some active recovery.
If not, catch up on a WOD from the previous 7 days.
Or work on a single technique that needs work.
If you are training tomorrow avoid deadlifts.
A VERY chilly 6am!
Kaaren 6:16
Anne-Marie 7:43
(Both @20kg with Jumping Pull ups)
Back Squats
Simon 80,95,110(5)
Simon C i)2:56 ii)2:55 iii)3:02 iv)2:58
George i)3:20 ii)3:17 iii)3:19 iv)3:08
What a fantastic little group of troopers. Didn’t let the cold deter thm and then smashed some WODS. Well Done!!! Where were the rest of you?
All the others didn’t want to prepare themselves for success today Zane!!!
4x 800m
Anthony 3:02, 3:07, 3:05, 3:03
Greg 4:07, 4:12, 4:14, 3:37 – welcome Greg to his 1st session
Kris @ 30kg/red band 6:29
Chloe @ 20kg/jumping 6:59
Trish @ 25kg/jumping 7:14
Carol @ 13kg/purple band 10:23
Alice @ 20kg jumping 10:58
Nick @ 20kg/purple band 7:55
Bobby (scaled) 7:49
Jason RXd 4:34
Gavin @ 43kg/jumping 6:56
Edgar @ 30kg 7:20
Sarah @ 13kg/blue band 5:03
Tom @ 50kg Front Squat 5:40
Deadlifts x10
Jarrod 40, 60, 70, 75×8, 80×5
EuJin 40, 60, 70, 75, 80
Gotta love Fran. She was tenderly brutal to all who tried to take her out to dinner. Well done guys!
Maggie: 12:30 with Adam “Fran” Rx’d 7:13
Aah Maggie! The only member of my 12:30pm class to take the not-so subtle hint and write up her own WOD info.
We had 6 at lunchtime. Welcome back to Matt K and welcome to Matt P (first class). Reece, Nicole & Nat were also in attendance. Three attempts at Fran and three back squatting. Nice session.