Deads and sandbags
24 Jul 2010
Level 0/1:
Deadlift: 5, 5, max. (Lev 0-1)
Level 2+:
Snatch grip deadlift: 5, 5, max. (Lev 2+)
“Sandbag relay”
Teams of 2-4 – fastest 400m time wins.
Teams can use any setup they want.
The sandbag must travel 400m without touching the ground.
5 burpee penalty for each time the sandbag hits the ground.
Each team member completes the penalty at the end of the 400m circuit.
Gav – 120,135,155 x 11
Jarrod – 80,90,100 x 3
Sarah – 45,52.5,57.35 x 8
Vanessa – 57.5,67.5,75 x 8
Kaaren – 52.5,60,67.5 x 5
Vebica – 55,60,67.5 x 7
George – 100,115,130 x 2
Georgia – 45,52.5,57.5 x 4
Hugo – 1RM = 135
Zoya – 1RM = 82.5
Congratulations to Gav, Georgia and Vebica for winning the Sandbag Relay
Welcome Zoya to her first class
Thank-you to the whole class for indulging me in my musical flashback to the 80′s….. Human League… could synth music get any better!!!!