Partner WOD
Tue, 27 Jul 2010
3 rounds:
- 1st partner – 300m Row
- 2nd partner – max. rep. Burpees
Each partner completes row while the other completes burpees, alternate 3 times.
Score is combination of lowest time and total burpees.
3 rounds:
Each partner completes row while the other completes burpees, alternate 3 times.
Score is combination of lowest time and total burpees.
Andrew C & Bobby 8:15, 95 Burpees
George & Kaaren 9:49 110
Andy & Des 7:54 107
Jess & Vanesssa 8:10 97
Jono & Tim 8:30 125
Matt & Ian 8:49 101
All rowers reset so each row was exactly 300m.
Welcome and well done to Des (visiting from the UK)
Super effort to every one for braving the cold.
12:30pm – Ben B & Simon Mac 7:49, 73.