Deadlifts & sprints
5 Aug 2010
Level 0/1
Deadlift: 5, 3, 1
3x 400m sprint (1:2 work/rest)
Level 2+
Snatch grip deadlift: 5, 3, 1
3x 400m sprint (1:1 work/rest)
Level 0/1
Deadlift: 5, 3, 1
3x 400m sprint (1:2 work/rest)
Level 2+
Snatch grip deadlift: 5, 3, 1
3x 400m sprint (1:1 work/rest)
Ian 101, 115, 135×8
Gavin F 137.5, 157.5, 167.5×3
George 115, 130, 147.5×6
Jon C 130, 145, 172.5×2
Vanessa 67.5, 75, 85×3
Anne-Marie 52.5, 57.5, 65×2
Tim F 100, 115, 130f
Kaaren 60, 67.5, 70×4
Jason D 100, 110, 120
Yen practiced technique
Christian completed Christine and therefore passed Level 1. Well Done!
Happy Birthday, George!
Thanks Adam, I thought I’d keep quiet this am and avoid the b’day burpees…..
Burpees? What a great idea!
Ben B 90, 105, 115×4
Soula 90, 105, 115×3
Will W 105, 117.5, 130×5
Mende & Cat worked on technique
Happy 21st George!
Thanks Gibbo, at least I feel like I’m 21!