Snatch and Run
19 Aug 2010
Level 0
- One-arm dumbbell (DB) power snatch, 10kg/5kg, (each side)
Run the gasser after each round
Level 1
- One-arm dumbbell (DB) power snatch, 20kg/10kg, (each side)
Run the gasser after each round
Level 2
- Squat snatch, 50% bwt
Run the gasser after each round
Level 3
- Squat snatch, 75% bwt
Run the gasser after each round
Level 0
Vanessa 7:23
Frances 6:26
Jess 7:13
Anne-Marie 7:35
Tim F 6:25
Clare 7:35
Andrew F 5:25 (right side only)
Tim W 6:04
Karissa 6:40
Level 1
Jon C 7:07
Ian 8:08
George 7:26
Practiced double-unders afterward.
Great effort by all.
Remember your level bands or there will be more burpees.
Are you training us to be criminals?
Level 0
Ben B 6:43
Cat C 7:43
Peter W 7:38
Nat 8:03
Tess 7:30
Heidi 8:40
Carol V 9:24
Level 1
Adro 8:42
Bobby 11:34
Will W 7:13
Great midday class. Thank you all.
Joe Y 0 @ 15kg 6:49
Gav F 1 6:16
A teeny tiny class of 2 at 5:30 tonight. Did everyone find out that I was taking the class instead of Anthony and decide not co come?
Jared R 1 10:49
Shai 0 8:58
Tom G 1 8:35
Georgia 0 9:11
Chloe 0 8:29 row 150m
Dave C 1 9:58
Today’s WOD isn’t a heavy one, therefor, it should be mentally easier to focus on sound technique. We generate power using our hips then get under the load to make it easier. Make sure you focus on this in all your lifting. Fantastic energy tonight with Jared nearly kissing pukie.