S and C(DL, P, D, BE/HE)

18 Sep 2010

Level 0-1
Deadlift 3×5
Press 3×5
Bar dips 2x 3-5 (assisted or negatives as reqd.)
Back extensions 2×10

Level 2+
Deadlift 3×3
Press 3×3
Weighted dips 2×5-8
GHD hip extension 2×8

One Response to “S and C(DL, P, D, BE/HE)”

  1. Scott says:

    9am Class

    Numbers are Deadlift then Press

    Pete 10, 40
    Kath 90, 35
    Lacey 55, 20
    Yen 50, 20
    Clare 70, 22.5
    Bron 60, ?
    Andy 140 – Ring Dips 2×10 L2
    Matt 162.5, 60 – Ring Dips 2×8 @12kg L2
    Jason, 90, 40
    Wei 115, 30
    Mike 50, 40
    Bobby 90, 42.5
    Jimmy 105, 50
    Gav 115, 40
    Jarrod 90, 32.5

    Open Gym

    George, 155,