Burpees And Pull-Ups
9 Dec 2010
WOD # 1: Burpees for time
Level 0: 75
Level 1: 100
Level 2+: 125
Rest 5 minutes
WOD # 2: Pull-ups for time
Level 0: 40 (assisted if required)
Level 1: 60
Level 2+: 80
WOD # 1: Burpees for time
Level 0: 75
Level 1: 100
Level 2+: 125
Rest 5 minutes
WOD # 2: Pull-ups for time
Level 0: 40 (assisted if required)
Level 1: 60
Level 2+: 80
6am Class
Name Burpees Pull-ups
Vanessa L0 7:55;L0 6:07 BB
Daniel L0 8:11; L0 5:16 Black Band
Michael h L1 7:07; L1 6:02
Tim F L0 7:25; L0 7:22
Peter C L0 6:27; L0 4:50 BB
Arwen L0 5:40; L0 2:58 PB
John L2 11:18; L2 4:41
Ian L0 8:54; L2 12:01
Kristian L1 6:27; L1 10:44
Jimmy L1 9:10; L1 8:51
The 6am level 2+ target was 150 burpees and 80 pullups
Today’s results arehere
hahaha – in my extreme exhaustion i wrote my results on garys name! i am such an IDIOT!