Snatch And Run!!
10 Dec 2010
Five rounds:
– Snatch, 7
- Run, 2 x 50m shuttle
Level 0:
DB Hang power snatch, 15kg/10kg
Level 1:
Power snatch, 40kg/30kg
Level 2+:
Snatch, 50kg/40kg
Five rounds:
– Snatch, 7
- Run, 2 x 50m shuttle
Level 0:
DB Hang power snatch, 15kg/10kg
Level 1:
Power snatch, 40kg/30kg
Level 2+:
Snatch, 50kg/40kg
12.30 class
Cat L0 5kg db 6.34
Mags L1 25kg 6.17
Jess L1 25kg 6.53
Fleur L0 8kg KB 7.19
Marc L1 30kg 6.25
Ben 50kg BS 5.25
Lino 60kg BS 5.27
Well done today crew! awesome lunchtime class, great energy, great times!
note: class was done with 4x50metre sprints
Bobby S, 1, 15:38 (30kg)
Dave C, 1, 13:05 (30kg)
Chris from DC, 0, 8:40 (20kg)
Tom G, 1, 11:55 (33kg)
Clare O, 0, 10:57 (15kg)
Steph G, 0, 10:10 (15kg)
Reece N, 1, 11:44 (30kg)
Sal L, 2, 19:10 (50kg)
Great technique peoples! And a solid attitude throughout…well done