Soul Rebel WOD # 2

Wed, 8 Jun 2011

AMRAP in 10 mins

20 Burpees, Hand Release


  • Deadlifts 60/40
  • Box Jumps

Reid and his power kilt

9 Responses to “Soul Rebel WOD # 2”

  1. Jason Arnel says:

    6am Class

    Name: Rounds + Reps/ Scaling

    Alicia: 2 + 7 / 30kg
    Ian: 2 + 4 / Rx
    Tim F: 2 + 3 / Rx
    Katrine: 2 + 2 / Rx
    John K: 2 + 63 / Rx
    Kaaren: 1 + 42 / Rx
    Bridget: 1 + 62 / 35kg
    Andy L: 2 + 40 / Rx
    Matt R: 2 + 24 / Step ups
    Vanessa G: 2 + 3 / Rx
    Rory: 2 + 32 / Rx
    Jimmy: 2 + 36 / Rx
    Brad: 2 + 20 / Rx
    Eddie: 2 + 30 / Rx
    Bryce: 3 + 9 / Rx
    Yen: 1 + 35 / 35kg
    Kate: 2 / Rx
    Arwen: 2 + 32 / 35kg

    I just want to say thanks to the crew this morning for participating in this WOD :-) You all did awesome this morning!

  2. Andy Lucas says:

    It was the only way to keep warm man!!!!

  3. Jason Arnel says:

    True, but we could of done tabata burpees and rowing instead :-)

  4. Jason Arnel says:

    12:30pm Class

    Soula: 2 + 68 / Rx
    Lehmo: 1+ 70 / 40kg
    Michele: 2+ 6 / Rx
    Craig G: 1+ 10 / 30kg
    Peter C: 2 / Rx

    Great class today, good to see the intensity in a short metcon. Try to have minimal rest as possible and keep moving. The main focus when doing fast deadlifts in a metcon is to set the back (chest up,shoulders back) and send hips back :-) You can still move quickly when doing deadlifts with good form. And the main importance you won’t cause any harm to the body with good form.

  5. A big thank you to Reid for training with us while in Melbourne.

    Enjoy the Colorado altitude, Kilt-man!

  6. chris says:

    5:30pm Class
    Name: rounds+reps / scaling
    Nico A: 2
    Adam P: 2+8
    Sarah F: 2+12
    Gavin F: 1+49
    Ango: 2+38
    Beats: 2+5
    Dan W: 2+5
    Rach W: 1+20
    Thom W: 2+11
    Matt T: 2+32
    Fraser D: 1+60
    Leigh T: 1+18
    Rory K-S: 2+53
    Bobby: 2+19
    Aran F: 2+11
    Tom H: 2+6
    Sarah W: 2+7 / 30kg

    6:30pm Class
    Tom G: 2=20 / subbed deads with situps
    Coby M: 2+56
    Leigh B: 1+29
    Georgia G: 2+9
    Dan S: 2+14
    Gina D: 1+63
    Jatin: 1+20
    Chris Z: 2+36 / subbed deads with situps, 30″ box jumps

    Great intensity in both classes tonight – good effort!

  7. chris says:

    Tom G: 2+20 reps

  8. Jatin says:

    And mine was 1+40 reps. Sorry about the bad handwriting :-)

  9. Reid Peryam says:

    Ha ha – thanks Adam! Just awoke from a 13 hour slumber after not sleeping for 35 hours during my trip back to do the following WOD:

    “Mike Tyson”
    5 Rounds:

    20 unbroken wall balls
    20 unbroken burpees

    1 min rest

    *start round over if you break

    I did with a 9kg ball and cheated a little bit as a took a little extra time between the rounds and after the wall balls on rounds 4 and 5 (otherwise you just keep failing your sets and never finish?). – think I did it in 16:30.

    not very friendly on my Melbourne lungs! Feels like I just started crossfit for the first time!

    My box here in Denver is ; we are very metconny so don’t be surprised if I grab one of your WODs instead to compliment a lift session while I skip some pain storm :)

    I had a great month with you guys – you’ve got a huge fan, me, cheering at you from Denver, Colorado, USA.

    - Reid

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