Sal 50, 80, 90, 95/7:42
Rory 80,85, 85, 90/8:18
Cat 30,30,35,35/ 6:39 knee pushup
Sarah 30,35,37.5, 40/10:50
Ango 80, 85, 80, 85/4:52
Bryce 65,70,70,70/2:56
Aran F 40, 50, 55, 60 /5:41
Ivan tech/8:16
Simon tech/8:30
Chris L 85,90,95,95/5:04
Chris ?/7:19
Coby 75×3, 80F/7:05
Dan S tech/9:01
Gina tech/8:45
Gibo 60, tech/6:19
Aaron W tech/6:55 half t2b
Dunc R tech/8:29
Peter C 50/9:09
Matt T 55×4/7:31
Arwen 20/10:20
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6am Class
Name: Power Cleans / T2B @ Push-up Time
John: 4 x 92.5 / 5:17 Rx
Andy L: 80,80,80,80×2 / 8:19 Rx
Mike P: 80,85,85,85 / 8:35 (T 2 Rings)
Tim F: 80 x 4 / 7:53 (T 2 Rings)
Yen: 30,32.5,35×2 / 7:42 (knee raises/push-ups)
Karissa: 30,32.5,35×2 / 6:41 (T 2 Rings)
Bridget: 30,32.5,35,32.5 / 7:16 (knee raises on rings)
Matt R: Tech / 9:07 Rx
Beck J: 40,40,45,45 / Injured did not do
Bobby: 4 x 65 / 7:44 Rx
Katrine: 4 x 45 / 7:50 (T 2 Rings)
Vanessa W: Tech 15kg / 8:27 ( knee raises/ push-ups)
well done guys, some good lifts coming through. Key thing is not to pull too earlier with harms.
WOD was limited to 10 minutes.
Michele | 30, 32.5, 35, 37.5 | 8:19 (knee push-ups)
Alice | tech. | 45 reps
Ash | 40, 40, 40, 45 | 90 reps (knee raises)
Craig | 25, 25, 25 | 65 reps
Fleur | 30, 35, 37.5, 40×1 | 91
Sal 50, 80, 90, 95/7:42
Rory 80,85, 85, 90/8:18
Cat 30,30,35,35/ 6:39 knee pushup
Sarah 30,35,37.5, 40/10:50
Ango 80, 85, 80, 85/4:52
Bryce 65,70,70,70/2:56
Aran F 40, 50, 55, 60 /5:41
Ivan tech/8:16
Simon tech/8:30
Chris L 85,90,95,95/5:04
Chris ?/7:19
Coby 75×3, 80F/7:05
Dan S tech/9:01
Gina tech/8:45
Gibo 60, tech/6:19
Aaron W tech/6:55 half t2b
Dunc R tech/8:29
Peter C 50/9:09
Matt T 55×4/7:31
Arwen 20/10:20