Archive for the ‘WODs’ Category

Rest Day · 1 May 2011

Welcome to the May programming! This month we are changing the rest day setup. We will now include a programmed wod on a rest day for those of you who are not able to follow the 3 on 1 off programming. WOD 8 x 200m Sprints Rest 2 minutes between efforts.

Lumberjack 20 (Hero WOD) · 30 April 2011

20 Deadlifts 125kg Run 400m 20 KB swings 32kg Run 400m 20 Overhead Squats 50kg Run 400m 20 Burpees Run 400m 20 Pullups (Chest to Bar) Run 400m 20 Box jumps (24″) Run 400m 20 DB Squat Cleans (20kg each) Run 400m Scaling: Level 0 – DL 70/50kg, KB 16/12, OH Squat 25/15kg, Pull-ups (std.), [...]

Push press and sprints · 29 April 2011

Push Press 3×5 Add 2.5kg from last week. Then… Half gasser on the minute for 10 minutes.

Welcome baby Isaac! · 28 April 2011

Congrats to Tim and Fran Waugh on the birth of Isaac Waugh.  6.9 pounds of future Crossfit Firebreather!! I’m a proud uncle again and this is the first Waugh boy, very happy!! Both Mum, bub and dad are doing well.

Jess · 28 April 2011

5 rounds: squat snatch, 6, 50kg/30kg pull-ups, 9 burpees, 12 Scaling: Level 0- Power snatch 30kg/20kg Level 1- 40kg/25kg Level 2+ – as Rx’d This WOD is named after Jess Berry, who is our first Athlete of the Month (April, 2011).

Rest Day · 27 April 2011

Mobility: Ankle Skill: Snatch Work: Catch up on a WOD you missed this week, or Work on your goat.

Deadlifts, ring dips, knees to elbows · 26 April 2011

Deadlift 3×5 Add 5kg from last week. Ring Dips 3×5 Weighted if possible. Knees to elbows, 50