Deadlift then “Adrenaline Shot”

Fri, 1 Apr 2011

Deadlift 3×5


“Adrenaline Shot” (from CFNE)
21-15-9 reps for time of:

  • Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans 2x 25kg/15kg
  • Burpees


Level 0: Dumbbell Hang Power Clean at 2x 10kg/5kg
Level 1: 2x 20kg/10kg
Level 2+ Rx’d

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3 Responses to “Deadlift then “Adrenaline Shot””

  1. Andy Lucas says:

    FYI it’s called “Adrenaline Shot” becuase you need one when you have finished.

    Good programming this week CFC. Hard work and fun.

  2. Jason Arnel says:

    6am Class

    Name: Weight / “Adrenaline Shot” Time
    George: 130,130,130 / 9:27 (20kg K/B)
    Ian: 130,140,140 / 12:34 (20kg)
    Andy: 130,130,130 / 9:30 (20kg)
    John: 145 x 3 / 10:21 (25kg)
    Tim F: 120,120,120 / 9:52 (15kg)
    Ali T: 40,45,50 / 7:56 (5kg)
    Katrine: 70,75,75 / 9:12 (10kg/last round 5kg)
    Bridget: 40,45,50 / 7:42 (8kg K/B)
    Arwen: 40,45,50 / 6:32 (5kg)
    Kate: 70,80,50 tech / 6:33 (5kg)
    Peter C: 80,80,80 / 8:04 (10kg)

    Great class today guys. Technique with deadlifts was excellent. Keep up the great work!

  3. Jason Arnel says:


    Fluer: 45,50,55 / 7:42 (5kg)
    Jen: 45,55,60
    Diego: 100,105,110

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